Family Relations

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Hello again! This week in my family relations class we talked about that scary, and sometimes frustrating, word of.....DATING!!! I, like many other fellow students here on campus, have hated learning about this topic in the past but my teacher presented it in a way that made learning about the topic fun (Granted I am now married and so any date I go on is absolutely wonderful, so I may be a little biased.) Here are just a few of the things that he shared with us.

The 3 P's of Daiting

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between hanging out and dating? Well, we discussed the idea that these 3 P's make it a date rather than a hang out. This is based on an Ensign article by Elder Oaks in 2006 entitled Dating versus Hanging Out

1. Paired off
2. Planned
3. Paid for

My teacher also made the comparison to qualities to look for in a man. He talked about how dates give men, and women with other things, time to practice these 3 qualities. See if you can match them up! (I'll give you a hint-they are in order.)

1. Protect
2. Preside
3. Provide

A Real Secret in Dating

Dating is not just about finding a special someone to spend the rest of eternity with. In class this week we discussed that dating is also how we get to know ourselves. We practice, make mistakes, and learn things that we want to change. We get to know others and how to work with someone else. And of course, to have fun! When we think of dating this way it makes me way less stressed out. Yes every girl wants to impress the guy, but if go into a date thinking about having fun and and getting to know someone it makes it lots less stressful!

The Filters

There are many "filters" that someone has to go through before we pick someone to marry. They include:

-propinquity (this is a fun word that just means available to date based on geographic area, some way to meet them, etc.)
-similar opinions
-physical characteristics
-similar interests

4 Steps for Marriage

I really liked how my teacher broke this up.  There are many different stages and each one has its fun parts. We should enjoy each as it comes along.

1. Daiting
2. Courtship
3. Engagment
4. Marriage

I hope this helped! I know I really enjoyed learning all of it! I hope you have a great week and a wonderful Sabbath! :)

1 comment:

  1. She is the head dating coach for Smart Dating - and has an uncanny sixth sense about people, and what they need. Josh Pellicer and Jason Capital
