Family Relations

Friday, June 7, 2013

Early Marriage

Hello again!
This week in class we talked about the challenges that can happen in early marriage.

My teacher stressed over and over again that if you want a marriage to work out both spouses have to work very hard. It may not be easy all the time but it is completely worth it! I really liked this! When we work hard together things will always work out!

We also talked about a very interesting comparison...we compared tasks of early marriage to elements of a great marriage. He made an interesting point that wedding preparation is a time to practice vital skills for marriage. I included some of the things that we talked about below.

tasks of an early marriage                                                     elements of a great marriage
make decisions as a team                                             the wedding details are mutually   
establish expectations                                                  be practical, frugal, realistic with planning
set clear boundaries                                                     tell family members what YOU want for your

I never thought that wedding preparation could be preparations for marriage but it makes sense! I hope everyone has a great week!

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