Family Relations

Friday, June 21, 2013

Staying Strong in a Family Crisis

Hello again! This week has been a very informative week in family relations class. We have been talking about how families can grow closer together in a family crisis.

One example that we went over in class is about trees. When there is just one tree growing in an area then there is not a lot of stress on it. This tree will not grow very tall. When there are many trees in a forest then they work hard to compete for resources. You could say that they are under stress. This helps the trees to grow very tall and thick. 

This can apply to families. It also can apply to roommates or close friends. Last semester one of my friends was in a very bad car accident. She broke her back and eye socket and ended up having to go home. Everyone had a different idea about what would be best for everyone. The whole situation was challenging but it brought us closer together as an apartment. Some people had similar experiences in the past which helped them to better cope this time. For some, this was a new experience and didn't know what to do. Our past experiences have an impact on how we react to a situation. 

One prevailing truth through out the semester is that the parental unit needs to be close. If there is not proper boundaries around the couple then things will fall apart. The mother and father are the center of the family and need to be strong together. Date night is very important!

I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each of us and that He will help us through our trials. One of my favorite scriptures is John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." No matter what, Heavenly Father will be there for us. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints is the restored gospel on the earth. Through it my family can be together forever! I can't imagine not being with my husband for eternity. I feel so blessed to be a part of this gospel! When we put Christ in the center of our lives then we can get through any trial together!

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